Since 1996, Midland Resource Recovery (MRR) has been the leader in natural gas odorant and odorization solutions. As a trusted partner in odorization, our services range from pickling gas lines, odorant equipment removal, odorizer installs, odorant deliveries, providing transitory odorization, rental of odorization systems, emergency spill response, and training in most aspects of the odorization process.

Gas Pipeline Pickling
MRR provides pipe pickling or pipeline conditioning, a process that prepares new natural gas pipelines to ensure the safe delivery of odorized gas to the end users.

Decommissioning Odorant Tanks
MRR offers decommissioning and treatment of odorant tanks and odorization systems for the safe, incident-free removal of equipment without odorant release during all phases of the process.

Odorizer Installations
Having the most experience in the industry, MRR is the logical choice for permanent natural gas odorizer installations.

Temporary Odorization
MRR provides temporary odorization services permitting our clients to avoid downtime of service during construction or pipeline conditioning.

Natural Gas Odorant Delivery & Transfers
MRR delivers Chevron Phillips Scentinel odorants as well as transfers mercaptan on clients sites using our bobtail truck equipped with a vapor recovery unit. Additionally, we use MRR pickups furnished with 57 or 118.9-gallon odorant containers.

Emergency Spill Response
MRR offers emergency spill response for mercaptan spillage from natural disasters, odorization system malfunction or human error.

Odorizer Rental
MRR rents natural gas odorizers, odorant tanks and mercaptan level sampling (OdorTrackers).

Renewable Natural Gas
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines renewable natural gas (RNG) as biomethane or biogas that has been upgraded for use in place of fossil natural gas.
The MRR process is entirely compliant with all regulations.